Lourens van Rooyen

Property Practitioner


My 31 Listings

Get to Know Me
Think of a professional biography as an advertisement for yourself. The same rules that apply to advertisements apply to professional biographies, too - keep it brief, relevant, and engaging. Get started with a basic outline for an effective professional bio.

Start with your full name. Explain what you do and how you do it well. You can also include some information about your early life. It's important to get your reader's attention quickly here.

Describe a core professional belief or value. Prospective employers, clients, and readers want to know that you truly care about your work.

List relevant employment experiences and successes. You've got your reader's attention - now it's time to prove that you are unique and exemplary in your field. Be specific.

Include certifications, credentials, training, awards, or other practical experiences.

Add your relevant degrees and schools. It's good to leave your audience with a sense of your educational accomplishments.

Depending on your audience, you can end with a bit of humor, but keep it short.

Write your professional biography in third person, as if you are writing about someone else.

The typical length for a professional biography is five to ten sentences. It's tempting to add impressive facts to make your blurb longer, but err on the side of brevity.

Audiences are more likely to read shorter and more relevant biographies than longer, drawn-out paragraphs.

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